The name Gōlkōnḍa is a symbol for material and spirit. It conjures up different meanings for different ethos and cultures.

The word diamond comes from the Sanskrit dyu,meaning luminous being,' a symbol of light and brilliance. The word is also linked with Greek adamas, meaning 'unconquerable'.

In the Buddhist text, Diamond Sutra or Perfection of Wisdom , the first creative work with an explicit public domain created "for universal free distribution",

Vajra or diamond or lightning thunderbolt is an abstract term for a powerful weapon. “To cut as a metaphor for the type of wisdom that cuts and shatters illusions to get to ultimate reality.

Diamonds have been worn for many reasons as a symbol of courage, protection and to represent marital status. They hold sentimental value or symbolize important milestones, beliefs and memories. 

The timeless beliefs in the power of jewels to capture emotions, protect and heal while accentuating the beauty that resides within each individual. 

Inspired by the rich global cultural tapestry, each piece seamlessly blends elegance, traditional artistry and contemporary design.

Our diamonds stand for original virtues which are ‘pure brilliance’, with values of love, humanity and compassion. A tool for self realization of the dormant ‘potential’ in human beings.

Dependable sourcing and buying allows us to fulfill all client requirements, while being selective. With extensive trading experience we choose fine to bespoke for specific client requests and select our diamonds and gems based upon gemological criteria and intrinsic value.


A world of creative possibilities,
the timeless beauty of custom-designed pieces with meticulous stone selections of your choice.

Classic or Contemporary, we ensure high standards of Design, Fair Trade, Goodwill, Legacy, Quality, and Transparency. 

Our price evaluations are based upon :

* market prices.
* current inventory offerings.
* industry analysis.
* macro economic and geo political indicators.
* prices of commodities, currencies.

Please email us your requests for loose diamonds, gems and jewelry : info@golkonda.com

With Expertise and Intention we aim to exceed expectations in every ‘facet’.